DownLoad: HULK / Web Server DoS Tool
Barry Shteiman, a principal security engineer at Imperva, has released a Python-based web server denial-of-service (DOS) tool called HULK (Http Unbearable Load King).
HULK is a web server denial of service tool written for research purposes. It is designed to generate volumes of unique and obfuscated traffic at a webserver, bypassing caching engines and therefore hitting the server's direct resource pool.
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DownLoad: HULK / Web Server DoS Tool
Barry Shteiman, a principal security engineer at Imperva, has released a Python-based web server denial-of-service (DOS) tool called HULK (Http Unbearable Load King).
HULK is a web server denial of service tool written for research purposes. It is designed to generate volumes of unique and obfuscated traffic at a webserver, bypassing caching engines and therefore hitting the server's direct resource pool.
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