
Requirements for Official PASSPORTS Pakistan -

Requirements for Official PASSPORTS Pakistan. Policy Machine Readable Passport (MRP) System is replacing the existing manual system. Every C... thumbnail 1 summary
Requirements for Official PASSPORTS Pakistan.

Machine Readable Passport (MRP) System is replacing the existing manual system. Every Citizen of Pakistan will have the relevant passport for traveling abroad.

The applicant will go through the following stages at Regional Passport Office (RPO) for obtaining Machine Readable Passport (MRP): 
In Pakistan & Foreign Missions Abroad
  • Arrival of Applicant at Customer Service Counter.
  • Token Counter + Photograph Capturing.
  • Biometric Data Capturing. i.e.(Finger Print)
  • Data Entry.
  • Verification as per Office Record.
  • Interview and Decision by Assistant Director.
  • Passport Delivery Counter.

  • Official Passport:
    Official passports are issued to Pakistani Nationals who are Senators, MNAs, Provincial Ministers, Judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan/High Courts, Officers serving with the Government and proceeding abroad on official assignments etc. in pursuance of Para-9 of Passport & Visa Manual, 2006.

(a). Official / Gratis :- Such passport shall be issued to the following 
categories of persons:- 
i) Members of the National Assembly and Member of the 
Senate; their spouses, parents and dependent, un-married 
children upto 28* years of age. 
ii) Wafaqi Mohtasib, Judges of the Supreme Court, High Courts 
and Shariat Court, Chief Election Commissioner, Auditor 
General of Pakistan, Chairman, FPSC, Chairman FST, 
Members Election Commission of Pakistan*, their spouses 
and dependent un-married children upto 28* years of age. 
*Included vide Interior Division’s letter No. 3/53/2011-Pass dated 15-11-2011. 
iii) Provincial Ministers and Advisers to the Provincial 
Governments with the status of Provincial Minister / 
Speakers / Deputy Speakers of the Provincial Assemblies. 
iii-a) Former elected Federal Ministers / Ministers of State and 
their spouses. 
iii-b) Speaker’s of the Provincial Assemblies, their spouses and 
dependent un-married children upto 28* years of age. 
iv) Retired Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee and all three 
Services Chiefs (four star Generals) including their spouses 
and dependent un-married children upto 28* years of age. 
v) Federal Secretaries and Officers in BPS-22, Additional 
Secretaries, Senior Joint Secretaries, Chief Secretaries of 
the Provinces, BPS-21 officers of APUG being eligible for 
posting as Additional Secretary in the Federal Government, 
officers of Armed Forces of equivalent ranks and their 
v-a Dependent un-married children upto (28) twenty eight years 
of age of Federal Secretaries. (M/o letter No. 1/1/2006-Pass dated 09-09-2008)
v-b) Joint Secretaries of the Ministries / Divisions and Provincial 
Secretaries (in BPS-20 and above). 
v-c) Retired Federal Secretaries, Chief Secretaries of the 
provinces, Officers of the Armed Forces of equivalent rank 
and their spouses.
v-d All Government Servants including Career Ambassadors, 
who retire in BPS-22 and their spouses. 
v-e) Deputy Secretaries (B-19) of the Interior Division. 

vi) Civil Servants and Armed Forces personnel residing in 
Pakistan and proceeding abroad on posting, secondment or 
on deputation with a foreign Government, the ECO or the 
UNO or its affiliated Organizations. Also their spouses and 
dependent un-married children upto 28* years of age
accompanying or joining them. However, unmarried 
dependent daughters may be allowed official / gratis passport 
irrespective of age limit. Dependent parents may be issued 
official passports on payment of prescribed passport fee. 
vii) Civil servants and Armed Forces personnel proceeding on 
official business, on training courses, study tours or to attend 
viii) Officers employed in BPS-20 and above on contractual 
obligations, with the Federal / Provincial Governments, while 
proceeding on official business. The validity of passports 
shall be restricted to the period of their contract. 
ix) Ex-Governors of the Provinces. 
x) Members of the Islamic Ideology Council. 
xi) District Nazim while proceeding aboard as a member of an 
official delegation / entourage with validity for two years or till 
their tenure which ever is earlier. 
xii) (Retired) Judges of the Supreme Court and their spouses. 
Provided that the validity of passports issued to the persons 
mentioned at (vi) be restricted to the period of the posting / 
secondment or deputation and for all countries of the world except 
Israel. Provided further that for those mentioned in sub-para (vii) 
passports of full validity will be issued to officers of BPS-20 and 
above and restricted passports of at least 3 years to others. 
xiii) Officers of the Senate and National Assembly in B-17 and 
above proceeding abroad on official visit for the period of 
their visit abroad and entitled for issuance of Official/Gratis 
(M/o Interior letter No.11/5/2012-Pass(P&C) dated 25.04.2013)
(xiv) Minister for Interior, spouse and dependent un-married 
children upto 28* years of age for life. 
xv) Secretary Interior, spouse and dependent un-married 
children upto 28* years of age for life. 
xvi) “Minister of State for Interior, spouse and dependent un-married children up to 28* years of age for life”. 

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