
Requirements for Pakistani Ordinary Passport -

Requirements for Pakistani Ordinary Passport  Requirement for MRP Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) or Children Registration Certif... thumbnail 1 summary
Requirements for Pakistani Ordinary Passport

 Requirement for MRP
Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) or Children Registration Certificate (Form"B")
Original Bank Challan of Rs.3000/- for Normal & Rs.5000/- for Urgent processing for 5 years validity passport & Rs.5400/- for Normal & Rs.9000/- for Urgent processing of 10 years validity passport
Children under 15 years of age will be issued 05 years validity Passport
Old Passport (if any)

Ordinary Machine Readable Passport is issued to all citizens of Pakistan.

The Directorate General of Immigration & Passports will issue the Machine Readable Passport (MRP) valid for five years & Ten years subject to fee deposit.

  • NOTE:
  • Passoprt having validity of 05 years cannot be converted into validity for 10 years.
  • Children under 15 years of age will be issued Passport having 05 years validity.
After submitting appropriate Passport Fee for acquiring the relevant Passport Category, the applicant will go through the following stages at Regional Passport Office (RPO) for obtaining Machine Readalbe Passport (MRP): read more... 
NOTE: Before arrival at the Regional Passport Office (RPO), Original Bank Challan receipt must be acquired from the relevantbranches of the National Bank, by depositing an approprate Passport Fee.
Process Flow In Pakistan & Foreign Missions Abroad
  • Arrival of Applicant at Customer Service Counter.
  • Token Counter + Photograph Capturing.
  • Biometric Data Capturing. i.e.(Finger Print)
  • Data Entry.
  • Verification as per Office Record.
  • Interview and Decision by Assistant Director.
  • Passport Delivery Counter.

Following are the pre-requisites applying for Machine Readable Passport (MRP).

Pre-Requsite Documents Required
Normal/Urgent18 & AboveOriginal Bank Challan (receipt) with appropriate fee deposits.
Original Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) issued by NADRA with its 2-photocopies.
OLD Passport with its photocopy, if issued.
NOC in case of a Government Servant.
Foreign Passport along with its photocopy, for Dual-Nationality holders only.
Normal/UrgentUnder 18Original Bank Challan (receipt) with appropriate fee deposits.
Original Computerized Registration Certificate (CRC) issued by NADRA with its 2-photocopies.
Parents Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) with their photocopy.
Foreign Passport along with its photocopy, for Dual -Nationality holders only.

Passport Categories
Their are two categories of Ordinary Machine Readable Passport, only for variation among application type/procedure of obtaining passport.
  • Normal
  • Urgent

Machine Readable Passports (MRP's) are replacing the existing manual system. MRP shall require not less than following time duration, to be made available for its delivery after being successfully processed.

Time Duration
Normal10 days
Urgent4 days

NOTE: Passports dispatched from the Headquarters for delievery to the applicants within prescribed processing period could be tracked through SMS & Online Passport Tracking System, but to reach their destination i.e. respective Regional Passport Office (RPO) or Foreign Mission (FM), they may take some additional shipment time.

Fee for 05 YEARS Validity

Normal (36-Pages)Rs.3,000/-
Urgent (36-Pages)Rs.5,000/-
Normal (72-Pages)Rs.55,00/-
Urgent (72-Pages)Rs.9,000/-
Normal (100-Pages)Rs.6,000/-
Urgent (100-Pages)Rs.12,000/-

Fee for 10 YEARS Validity

Normal (36-Pages)Rs.5,400/-
Urgent (36-Pages)Rs.9,000/-
Normal (72-Pages)Rs.9,900/-
Urgent (72-Pages)Rs.16,200/-
Normal (100-Pages)Rs.10,800/-
Urgent (100-Pages)Rs.21,600/-

Renewal of Passport
Under Passport & Visa Manual 2006, there is no restriction for renewal of passport before its expiry. Passport having full validity of 5/10 years can be issued to the applicants even if existing passport has not completed its validity. However, a statement mentioning the reason for obtaining a new passport before its expiry may be obtained from the applicant. The existing passport may be cancelled and returned to the applicant. All other formalities may also be completed in the case.

Regional Passport Offices (RPOs) of various Zones & Foreign Missions.
oKhyber Pakhtunkhwa
oAzad Jammu Kashmir.
oGilgit Baltistan.
oForeign Missions.

Passport, when reported Lost
In case of the loss of passport following formalities will be completed:
  • Police report to be lodged with the nearest police station.
  • Requisite fee as per nature of loss i.e. 1st loss, 2nd loss, 3rd loss to be deposited in the Bank.
No. of Times Lost
First Time Lost
Second Time Lost
Third Time Lost
(i)Pakistan’s Mission Abroad will issue emergency passport for return to Pakistan with an intimation to Dte. Gen. I&P.
(ii)In Pakistan, the case will be referred to Dte. Gen. I&P for further action.

Kindly provide the following information while making any query specifically for matters related to PASSPORT POLICY.
  • Applicant Name with Father/Guardian Name.
  • Case No. (if initiated)
  • Place of Birth (City/District).
  • Country.
  • CNIC/NICOP Number
  • Passport No. (if applicable).

Kindly provide the following information while making any query specifically for BLACK-LIST Cases.
  • Applicant Name with Father Name.
  • Case No.
  • Place of Birth (City/District).
  • Country.
  • CNIC/NICOP Number
  • Passport No. (if applicable).

Black List Form

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