
Adobe Premiere 6.5 Full

Adobe Premiere is a very popular software video editor. The 6.5 release is the first major upgrade to this tool since the version 6.0 releas... thumbnail 1 summary
Adobe Premiere 6.5 Full

Adobe Premiere is a very popular software video editor. The 6.5 release is the first major upgrade to this tool since the version 6.0 release almost two years ago. During the intermission, competitors have released editions of their products with software-only real-time previews. These applications show previews of transitions and effects without the time-consuming step of rendering; and they don't need support from costly capture cards to do so. With version 6.5, Premiere joins the software-only real-time preview club.

We installed Premiere 6.5 on a number of computers and found that hardware was critical to the performance of the application. The install did not overwrite nor uninstall the previous version of Premiere, nor did it install the previous version's plug-ins into the 6.5 version. Installation went without a hitch.

Real-time Preview 

Premiere users, wave goodbye to hitting Enter to preview the work area. If you have real-time preview enabled, you now hit Enter to preview the timeline from the position of the edit line. The Help file explains that the preview "degrades gracefully" given "inadequate resources." We first installed Premiere on an ancient 900MHz AMD machine with 128MB of RAM, which meets the minimum specs, but just barely. A simple cross dissolve yielded 8-9 frames per second (fps) stuttering previews in the 320x240 preview window. When a title with a drop shadow was added on top of that, the preview frame rate plummeted to less than 3 fps. In comparison, Vegas Video 3.0 (released over a year ago) averaged over 12 fps on a similar project. A more modern 2.2GHz Compaq Presario 8000T with a Gig of RAM saw improved, but not spectacular performance increases. It wasn't until we tried a 1 Beyond dual-processor AMD 1800+ system that Premiere really took off. We saw similar results with other transitions and even complex video filters, like the new Lightning filter. Surprisingly, we discovered that Premiere delivered real-time preview also of a set of non-Premiere effects. Every Boris FX effect we tried in Premiere, even the complex ones, were previewed in real time. Clearly, the scalability of software previews is important and you should take Adobe's recommendation for a dual-processor system seriously.

Windows 98SE, Me, 2000 (SP2), or XP
Intel PIII 500MHz
128MB RAM (256MB or more recommended)
600MB HDD space for installation
CD-ROM drive
QuickTime 5.0 recommended
Microsoft DirectX certified FireWire
dedicated large-capacity 7200RPM HDD
For Real-Time Preview: 
Pentium III 800MHz processor (Pentium 4 dual processors recommended)


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